Friday, November 7, 2008

I wish - 2007

I wish I could press pause before all my mistakes, rethink the problem and recreate, make it right instead of wrong, I can wish this is my song.Everyone is brokenThe rich, the poor, even the ones we all ignore, everyone has their own story.Some are simple some are deranged but in the end we all have it the same, we'd want it to change.If only I could have pressed pause before the gunshot and the hole it made, maybe my life wouldn't be the same, what a shame.We're all broken.

By: Joe Haught

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dear Friend

Dear Friend,

For a long time I thought you where agents me, you spun counter clockwise for a reason unexplained.
My heart was filled with pain and I had no one to turn to, I perceived myself as invisible. As you tossed me on the path I slowly walked alone with many thoughts running though my head. I was blind. I took a long look at what you had to offer me and I realized there was more than I could ever imagine. I learned in my short time in this place that beauty is all around if you just slowdown and truly look at it.
I’m now realizing that the road you put me on was the road no child should ever have to walk,
But I did it and now I’m a individual, and one that I like at that. I now truly know that everything you through at me transformed me into that person. So for that I thank you.
You are my friend

Monday, May 5, 2008

Does Time Heal All?

Does Time Heal all? By: Joe Haught

I sit so still, with a blank stair trying to come up with the right words to describe the never ending thoughts that run rapidly though my egsosted unhealed mind, I tap a pencil to the notebook and start to stair in different directions like it will help get this memory onto paper. I start to write and lose my thought due to a car alarm outside my window. I scribble my unfinished words and toss the crumpled paper to the floor. Why is it so hard to translate a tragic emotion into words…..for now it will just have to nest in my mind, I can only hope it will come out in time…

Friday, April 25, 2008

Blind Future

Blind Future By: Joe Haught.

My hands are tied behind my back and there is a blindfold over my eyes, I’m walking alone with no one to guide me, I have no way of seeing what will happen next, and for now I feel free. Sometimes I like a helping hand, but without it I will be stronger, my goals may perceive to take a little longer but I will shape this confusing life into my own.
(“Taking a slow step forward is better to me than taking a giant leap and having to step back“)

Extraordinary Mind

I do not care what car you drive, where you live. If you know someone who knows someone who knows someone. If you are A-list B-list or never heard of you list. I only care about the words that flutter from your mind. They are the only thing you truly own. The only thing I will remember you by. I will not fall in love with your bones and skin. I will not fall in love with the places you have been. I will not fall in love with anything but the word that flutter from your extraordinary mind.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Dreaming of my soon to be reality

I peel my tired eyes from the familiar computer screen to think of all the good times I have had in this place. I remember the good and bad times I have experienced with all the close friends I have here. I also think of how I'm going to make it somewhere that is so different from what I'm use to, learning a whole new city, remembering new roads and their names. In all of this I cant help to ignore all the how's and the what if's for all I see is a beautiful new life for me to shape into my very own. I see me sitting on the edge of a pier looking into the sunset on a worm night drawing or reading a great book, I find myself walking on the sandy beach just to be out in the always great sunny weather. I will make this illusioned dream into my reality, I will be happy, I will miss you all, becuse i'm dreamin California

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Creative Photography

This summer I'm looking to update my portfolio 100% I need alot of conceptual photographs, so I will be looking for good models for that. I also need some old vintage outfits, mostly dresses and vintage props so let me know if you have some your willing to get rid of..

I am willing to do TFP's with the creative shoots..

If you have any outfits,props or if you think you would be a good model for this type of shoot contact me at or