Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dear Friend

Dear Friend,

For a long time I thought you where agents me, you spun counter clockwise for a reason unexplained.
My heart was filled with pain and I had no one to turn to, I perceived myself as invisible. As you tossed me on the path I slowly walked alone with many thoughts running though my head. I was blind. I took a long look at what you had to offer me and I realized there was more than I could ever imagine. I learned in my short time in this place that beauty is all around if you just slowdown and truly look at it.
I’m now realizing that the road you put me on was the road no child should ever have to walk,
But I did it and now I’m a individual, and one that I like at that. I now truly know that everything you through at me transformed me into that person. So for that I thank you.
You are my friend